Seems I lost my physical copy of my rough draft for The Kirin Prince. I’ve been in the process of getting ready for a move, and in doing so, a lot of things have gotten moved around and misplaced. I’m hoping it turns up soon, but worst case, I can just print out a fresh one. I just hate the thought of wasting so much paper…


I had a goal for publishing free chapters, but I didn’t hit it this week. Work has needed a lot from me recently, so I haven’t had much time to write or even to get online. Next week, I hope to finish the Dante short and also get back on schedule with Nascent Beginnings. I just had to take a week off.


I’m terrible at social media. I think I’m better at keeping up this blog than anything. I’m about ready to delete my facebook and twitter because of how rarely I post on either of them…

New Story

So far, I’ve been good about updating my story once a week. But Webnovel offered a challenge to write a short story featuring one or more words from a list, and I accepted. Part of the challenge is to finish at least 10,000 words in 2 weeks, and to update with a new chapter once a day. So, I’m writing a very rushed and not very good Dante story. Still, it’s more prequel stuff. For those who are interested, I’ll provide links under my Stories tab.

Current schedule:
One chapter of Nascent Beginnings per week
One chapter of The Boy Who Cried Werewolf per day for 10-12 days


Done! Story section changed. There’s one more place that I’m debating adding, but it gets so little traffic, I’m debating why I even bothered uploading there in the first place.

Free Short Stories

I was going to wait until I had the second chapter up, but I figure I might as well throw the reading links up for now. Mostly so I remember what sites I posted my story to. I’ll treat it as a novel, since all of the short stories combine into one longer tale. I’m not sure how long it will be because I’m not done drafting it yet, but I have 15 chapters drafted so far with two previously unpublished chapters revised and ready to post.

My goal is to post a minimum of one new chapter a month, with my ideal rate being one new chapter a week.


I’ve been stuck on chapter 8 for months now, but I finally managed to push through and finish it! Hopefully this means the rest of the book should be easy to finish.

I also started a wattpad account. I’m considering also making a fiction press account and a few others to post on. I’ll add links after I’m past the initial story that I’ve already posted under the stories section of my site.