Googling Myself

Out of curiosity, I googled myself the other day to see what shows up. Turns out that listings for my books are on a couple sites now (though it seems the books can still only be ordered new from Amazon). It’s just interesting seeing where I’ve managed to get picked up by or mentioned on other sites.

Somehow, my own personal webpage here didn’t even make the first page of the google results.

New Project and (possible) New Laptop

I know I’m still in the middle of a bunch of Nascent projects, but I’ve been working on a new thing, since I’m kinda stuck with not being able to edit or format The Kirin Prince. I’ll post updates if anything happens with it.

Also, I’ve been working on a way to get a used laptop, but it might need some repairs before I can use it. We’ll see what shape it’s in when I get it, but I hear there are some issues with connecting to the internet. Fingers crossed that it’s something easy to fix on my own.

A long-overdue update

Due to COVID-19, I’ve been unable to edit the next Nascent novel. At home, all I have is an ancient Chromebook that struggles if I try to load a document more than 50k words and will choke up and often freeze if I open anything more than 100k words. The second Nascent book is a little over 100k, so I’ve been scared to open it.

After much debate and dragging of my feet, I finally tried to go laptop shopping recently, but all the stores near me are sold out of everything except more Chromebooks. Understandable. Everyone is trapped inside with little to do, and laptops are great tools for escape.

What this means is that The Kirin Prince’s publication date will be pushed back until I can access a more reliable computer. This could be after I get my hands on a new laptop, or it might have to wait until things open up again and I can go to the library to write.

But even though I haven’t been editing, I’ve still been writing. Unfortunately, I’m putting The Nascent on a bit of a pause as a project for the moment. But I wrote another novel that’s unrelated to The Nascent and sent it off to a publisher. I’ve also been writing short stories that I’ve been working on submitting.

I’m considering holding a giveaway in the near future. I’m not entirely sure on all the details yet, but it’s something I’m thinking about and working out the details on.


I won NaNoWriMo today!

To celebrate, I put the ebook version of The Descent of the Nascent on sale for 99 cents! Sale starts December 1st and runs until December 7th!

Nascent Beginnings will continue updating starting Monday the 2nd!

Happy holidays!

Hiatus Extended

Because I’ll be participating in NaNoWriMo, my hiatus will extend to the beginning of December. I may post a chapter or two, but nothing will be regular. Apologies in advance, but I’ll be using the time to get caught up on my writing.

See you in December!

On Hiatus

I’ve been looking for a new place to live and packing these last few weeks. I finally found a new apartment and the packing intensifies! I’ll be on hiatus until sometime in October. Until then, I’ll be busy packing, moving, unpacking, and settling into the new place.

Several years ago, I was in a writing group, and one member read my book and asked me if I’d ever read this other book. I said no. Never heard of it. Well, he first suggested that I read it, but then said that I should avoid reading it until I was finished with my book, because he was worried about influence. Now, I decided to take his advice and wait, but that project has been on hold and I was just so curious…

I started reading that book about a week ago and just… the similarities are striking… There’s even a character with the same name, and while it’s a real name, it’s not exactly a common one.

As I continue reading this book, I’ve been mentally revising my book in my head, attempting to make it different enough that it’ll be unique.